September 19, 2023
6:00 P.M.
- Call to Order (President Shelly Bugh will call meeting to order)
- Approval of Agenda…………………………………………………………………………..Action
- Approval of Minutes…………………………………………………………………………..Action
- Authorization for Payment of Bills…………………………………………………………..Action
- Citizens’ Communication………………………………………………………………Information
- Administrators’ Reports………………………………………………………………..Information
- Food Service Report…………………………………………………………………..Information
- Unfinished Business
- 2023-2023 Budget – Supt. Turgeon……………………………………………………..Action
- New Business
- NAVIGATE – Projects Update………………………….. ………………………..Information
- Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives Reports……………………….…………………..Action
- Finance/Budget – Supt. Turgeon
- Pupil Transportation – Supt. Turgeon
- Purchase of Minivan and Pick-up Truck………………………….……………………Action
- Curriculum – Physical Science and Chemistry – Mrs. Goodwin……………………..Action
- Board Policies/Regulations……..………………………………………………..…..…Action
- Policy 2115 – Transgender Students
- Policy 2200 – Admission and Withdrawal
- Policy and Regulation 2240 – Admission and Withdrawal Nonresident Students
- Policy 2400 – Student Educational Records
- Policy 2525 – Graduation Requirements
- Policy 2760 – Students in Foster Care
- Policy 2810 – Counseling Services
- Policy and Regulation 4120 – Employment Procedures
- Policy 4866 – Pregnancy, Childbirth Anti-Discrimination
- Policy 4867 – Lactation Accommodations
- Policy 6121 – Holocaust Education
- Policy 6122 – Social Studies Religious Influence Class
- Policy 6251 – Blind Students Independence, Training and Education
- Adjournment
- The Board will conduct an Executive Session meeting following the Regular Session meeting to discuss student matters as provided in section 610.021 (6), and (14) RSM0. and personnel matters as provided in section 610.021 (3), and (13) RSMo.
To provide for full and open communication between the public and the Board of Education, the Board authorizes several avenues for the exchange of information, ideas and opinions. Any patron or group of patrons desiring to be included on the agenda for the purpose of addressing the Board shall make a request to the superintendent five (5) workdays prior to the regular Board meeting. The request shall be submitted in writing, and shall provide sufficient detail to explain fully the issues(s) to be discussed. A time will be set aside on each agenda for citizens’ communication with the Board. The Board reserves the right to limit the number of and speaking time of spokespersons appearing before the Board. Unless unusual circumstances dictate otherwise, the Board will not make a decision on an issue(s) presented by an individual or group during that particular meeting. The Board reserve(s) the right to waive formalities in emergency situations, within the limitations of state statutes. (Policy 0412 -Revised 2-21-2000)